Media Interviews
Threat Suppression staff have conducted numerous interviews for multiple media outlets regarding response to active shooter event, terrorism events, criminal events, and officer-involved shootings. Our staff are currently on retainer with 150 news outlets to provide expertise for these events. We have conducted interviews with ABC News, CBS News, CNN, Fox News, NBC News, and the British Broadcasting Corporation. Our staff are available 24 hours a day to provide live interviews or telephone interviews following a major public safety event.
Our staff have also conducted interviews with numerous newspapers, including USA Today, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, and the New York Times. In addition we have conducted interviews with multiple magazines, including Business Insider, Police Magazine, Department of Defense Military News, International Association of Fire Fighters Quarterly, and many more.
Our staff are also available to do podcast interviews for a variety of public safety or healthcare podcasts. The 30-minute active shooter podcast interview conducted in 2013 by the Emergency Medicine Reviews and Perspectives (EMRAP) became their most downloaded podcast, with more than 60,000 individual downloads. Click here to listen to one of the EMRAP interviews.
If you would like to arrange an interview with our staff, please email or call 1-800-231-9106 (option "0") twenty-four hours a day.