Novel Wounding at Hostile, Mass Casualty Events and EMS Best Practices
Active shooter / hostile events (ASHEs) are significantly increasing in the United States. These events typically target civilians and result in large numbers of dead and injured. ASHEs include active shooter events, vehicle-as-a-weapon events, mass stabbing events, explosives, and fire-as-a-weapon. The research shows that the wounding patterns in these events are different in non-mass casualty events, even when similar weapons are used. Much of the wounding pattern data published on hostile mass-casualty events focuses on combat research. However, recently published data indicates a significant difference in the wounding patterns when civilians are the target.
In this presentation, the presenter will look at the difference in wounding patterns for hostile mass casualty events when compared to the same weapon used in a non-mass casualty event. This data examines research conducted nationally and internationally, with data captured from significant hostile mass-casualty events. Much of the information in this presentation has not been previously released.
In the second part of this presentation, the presenter will look at medical best practices for hostile mass-casualty events. Pre-hospital trauma care in the United States has changed significantly in the last 25 years. A significant body of research indicates that many current prehospital trauma treatments are detrimental to the patient, and in some cases, the treatment is a predictor of patient mortality. Additional research studies have also found that mortality increases based on provider skill level.
A rapidly growing body of evidence indicates that major trauma patients have a high life expectancy if they can simply arrive alive to the hospital. Additional studies show in trauma patients, the longer the interval of EMS-to-patient contact, the greater the odds of mortality. These studies directly show that EMS providers continue to provide treatment on scene and enroute that are detrimental to the patient. One large scholastic report found, “Increased trauma patient-paramedic scene time is directly associated with increased patient mortality.” Another study found, "Every prehospital procedure performed is an independent predictor of the patient's death."
This presentation will take an aggressive look at many of the current treatment modalities that EMS personnel render to trauma patients. In each case, the attendees will see the published clinical evidence that either supports or disproves the treatment. Some of the treatments discussed include triage, patient assessment, IV therapy, advanced airway management, BLS vs. ALS treatment, and more.
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