Active Assailant Command and Control: Beyond the 60-Minutes™
Active shooter and active assailant events continue to plague the United States. Since 2009, the number of active shooter events in the United States has tripled and the lethality has increased 600 percent. The vast majority of public safety active shooter response training focus on the critical actions to take in the first 60 minutes of the event. These actions primarily focus on threat neutralization and patient care. Very few training courses focus on the aftermath of these events. However, more and more public scrutiny now focuses on the ways that public safety agencies respond after threat neutralization and patient care.
This course examines numerous aspects of active shooter response beyond the basics. This course begins with a comprehensive review of more than 50 official after action reports from active shooter and active assailant events. Universally, the reports all indicate that responders are continuing to make the same mistakes at the highest stakes events. This review will allow attendees to determine if their agency will make the same mistakes as previous agencies.
This course then examines numerous components of active shooter/hostile event response, including command considerations, Notification Centers, Reunification Centers, Incident Assistance Centers, decedent considerations, mass fatality management, the cost of an event, the location use after the event, the psychological effect, the “Truthers” and “Hoaxers”, the media, and lessons learned.
There are components that are critical to the success of witness interview and debrief locations. This course examines case law to see if it is legal to detain a witness for interview. In addition, this course looks at different witness interview best practices, including documentation and repeat interviews. This course also looks at best practice recommendations for creating and managing Notification/ Reunification Centers.
Active assailant events have demonstrated numerous crime scene considerations. In this course, the necessity and distance requirements for cordons will be discussed. This course will also present hostile event crime scene consideration recommendation from the FBI’s Evidence Response Team Unit. In addition, there is a need for secondary crime scene documentation for all personal effects left behind by people fleeing. The instructor will give examples from active shooter events at malls, airports, and hospitals to demonstrate the complexity magnitude of personal effects left behind.
There are many considerations involving the location of the attack after the event. After many significant active shooter events, the locations have either undergone extensive renovations or were demolished. However, there are numerous considerations when deciding what to do with a location after an event.
Active shooter events have created lasting psychological damage. Numerous missteps by public safety commanders and local government officials have resulted in significantly more psychological damage than necessary. In some events, the survivors have stated local government officials caused more psychological damage than the event itself.
Sentinel active shooter events also spawn truthers and hoaxers. This course will teach commanders and government officials how to curtail the truther and hoaxer movement. In many cases, well intended actions by government officials simply fed into the truther and hoaxer movement. In all cases, the victim’s families were relentlessly pursued and harassed by truthers and hoaxers.
Active shooter events cause economic disasters. The medical bills for the Pulse Nightclub victims alone exceeded $390 million. The total cost of the Pulse Nightclub shooting is estimated to exceed $1 billion. The total cost of the Route 91 shooting is estimated to exceed $4 billion.
This class is for active law enforcement, military law enforcement, school administrators, hospital administrators, critical infrastructure managers, and government officials only. This class is not available to the general public.
To download a PDF copy of this course description, please click the PDF below. If you would like more information on booking this course, please email, or call 1-800-231-9106.